
There are many segments that enjoy the benefits of data collection and analysis tools for
precision agriculture


We create an ecosystem
of sustainable growth,
due to the fact that all of
the following players
empower each other

For Farmers

* Early detection of pests and diseases 

* Optimal planning of pesticides 

* Saving in labor and money 

* Higher profits (if organic) 

* Optimal fertilizing 

* Crop growth optimization 

For Logistics Companies

* Better crop yield

* Better seasonal planning

* Pre-estimation of shelf life

* Pre-estimation of taste

* Realtime data from many fields and locations, allowing for optimal logistics plans and pricing


For Countries

* Crop and food planning 

* Controlling prices 

* Import / export regulation 

* Pests control and environmental monitoring 

* Pesticides regulation 

* Public health 

* Soils enrichment 


Commodities Traders

* Analyzing worldwide crops quantities and price 

* Analyzing quality, taste, and shelf life, to provide price forecasts 

* Financing farmers as to get advantage in highly potential segments 

For Researchers

* Academic research tools 

* Databases 

* Algorithms 

* Case studies, References 

* AI (artificial intelligence), DL and ML tools 

* Cloud services 

* Research grants 

Fertilizers Manufacturers

* Sales on-line 

* Advertisement 

* Research and development of optimized fertilizers (tailored per case per parameters) 

* Participation or funding of relevant researches 


Pesticides Manufacturers

* Sales on-line 

* Advertisement 

* Research and development of optimized pesticides (tailored per case per parameters) 

* Participation or funding of relevant researches 


Seeds Manufacturers

* Sales on-line 

* Advertisement 

* Research and development of optimized seeds (tailored per case per parameters) 

* Participation or funding of relevant researches